Naturally Powerful

Aqueous ozone created
in the powerful ozoklenz unit


Chemical Free Cleaning

Harnessing the power of the natural Ozone, the world’s strongest oxidising agent, our unique cleaning solution is kind to both people and the planet.

How it works:

A process graph showing how ozoklenz is produced


ozone is produced naturally during thunderstorms

Ozone is produced naturally during thunderstorms. We replicate lightning in our unique Ozoklenz unit. Air is passed through a drying chamber and high voltage is applied to the oxygen (O2) creating a reaction that produces ozone gas.
This gas is injected into mains water making Aqueous Ozone which is then dispensed into your spray bottle, mop bucket or cleaning equipment. We are harnessing the natural power of the ozone to protect the ozone. It really is that simple!


We replicate lightening in the ozoklenz unit

Harnessing the power of natural elements to protect Mother Earth!

Oxygen and water, you can’t get any more natural than that! We’ve found a way to harness both of these pure elements to bring you Aqueous Ozone, a powerful 100% green cleaning solution! Not only does it kill germs on contact but it stops them from mutating, making your workplace not only cleaner but healthier – and don’t forget greener!

Aqueous Ozone

Reduce Chemical Use

When you wash chemicals down the sink they leech into our delicate ecosystem via our waterways, polluting soil and damaging wildlife.  The toxic residue and fumes left behind in the workplace after cleaning with chemicals has been linked to a range of health issues and increased sick leave! All this can be wiped out in one easy move to Ozoklenz!

Keep Costs Down

The start of every cleaning shift involves sorting through countless bottles of cleaners and bleaches designed for a variety of tasks. You won’t need a cleaning store with Ozoklenz. Our simple unit takes up no space and the cleaning solution can be dispensed straight into your mop bucket or spray in an easy one-glove fits all system.

Harmless and Powerful

Ozone is the world’s strongest oxidising agent. It is 30 times more powerful than bleach and works 3,000 times faster. Aqueous Ozone will oxidise immediately on contact. It is attracted to organic organisms such as bacteria, moulds and viruses, destroying the cell wall. Once the organism is destroyed it cannot regrow or mutate. It is also a powerful deodoriser.


Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

We’ve made it easy to ensure clean water flows into our natural water table by riding it of the many chemicals coming from traditional cleaners. Our green cleaning solution contains no synthetic chemicals, no ongoing delivery miles, no single-use plastics and no orders or invoices to process.

We are happy to hear from you

For everything, the proof is in the pudding! We invite you to allow our friendly consultants to visit you and demonstrate how simply yet effectively our green cleaning solution will work for your company. Book a free, no-obligation consultation today below

    Eco-friendly hygiene

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    Unit S1, Cherrycourt Way,
    Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 4AU


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